🧠 Google unveils new AI video generator

PLUS: the future of internet search

Happy Wednesday, AI enthusiasts!


  • 🎥 Google’s new AI video generator

  • 🔍 AI tool of the day - Perplexity AI: the future of internet search

  • 🔥 5 trending AI tools

  • 📱 Apple breakthrough might allow AI chatbots to run on the iPhone

  • 🚀 Prompt of the day

  • 🐦 Tweet of the day

  • ⚡️ 5 quick and fresh AI updates

Read time: 4 minutes


🎥 Google unveils new AI video generator

Google has unveiled VideoPoet, a new AI tool designed to create videos from text, images, and audio. Unlike traditional AI models that are primarily text-focused, VideoPoet utilizes a novel approach. It employs specialized tokenizers that translate different types of content – video, image, and audio – into a format it can process. This capability allows VideoPoet to not just understand but also visually represent a range of inputs effectively.

To demonstrate its capabilities, Google posted a short video titled 'Rookie the Raccoon,' made with VideoPoet and scripted by Bard. Despite its simplicity, this video hints at the future possibilities of AI in video creation.

VideoPoet (no official release date announced for the public) joins existing AI video tools such as Runway and Pika. AI video generation is still in its early days, but with these developments as a foundation, 2024 could become the year of AI-generated videos, just as 2023 has been the year of AI image generators.

Learn more about VideoPoet here


🔍 Perplexity AI: the future of internet search

I'm pretty sure that 100% of the readers of this newsletter are well-acquainted with ChatGPT and its monumental impact on technology in 2023. But how many of you know what Perplexity AI is?

Perplexity AI is a chatbot-style search engine that utilizes AI to provide informations from various web sources in natural language. Unlike traditional search engines that primarily direct users to websites, Perplexity AI delivers direct, conversational answers, making the search experience more intuitive and efficient.

Perplexity AI excels in generating text, answering complex questions, and summarizing extensive content in a comprehensible manner, accompanied by source citations for authenticity and trust.

I know, some of you might be thinking, “Doesn’t ChatGPT already do all of this?” well, kind of. However, in my view, when it comes to factual accuracy, Perplexity AI is head and shoulders above ChatGPT. Using it just feels like glimpsing into the future of internet search.


🎨 Krea

AI powered design tool for images & videos. (link)

🌐 Wix Studio

The web creation platform built for agencies. (link)

🤖 Interview Jarvis

Prepare with AI-simulated personalized interviews. (link)

🎯 Squadpilot

Build an organizational profile that truly represents your vision, mission and core values. (link)

💻 Solo

Create your website with AI. (link)


📱 Apple breakthrough might allow AI chatbots to run on the iPhone

Apple's research team has made a notable advancement in AI, potentially transforming how mobile phones handle artificial intelligence. They've discovered a method to efficiently run large, complex AI models, similar to those in ChatGPT, directly on the iPhone. This innovation could significantly upgrade Siri, possibly enabling it to have full conversational capabilities.

The key to this development is the ability to operate these large language models on devices with limited memory, such as iPhones. This means processing can occur directly on the device, enhancing privacy by reducing data transmission to the cloud, a priority for Apple's security-focused approach.

Traditionally, AI models like ChatGPT rely on powerful cloud-based computing, a challenge for memory-limited devices like iPhones. To address this, some companies are exploring smaller AI models that work with less processing power. However, reducing the size of these models often leads to a trade-off in capabilities and doesn't fully resolve memory limitations. Apple's latest breakthrough offers a promising middle ground, potentially changing how AI operates on mobile devices.

Read more here


🚀 Enhance a basic prompt about business models

Basic prompt:

What are some successful business models that I could adapt to create my own business idea?

Enhanced prompt:

Act as a [specific industry or market expert, e.g., 'tech startup advisor' or 'retail industry analyst'] and analyze successful business models in the [insert specific industry or market] sector. Considering current trends and market demands, what are some innovative and successful business models that I could adapt to create my own business idea in [insert target market or customer segment]? Please provide detailed insights and examples of companies that have excelled with these models, and discuss how these strategies can be tailored to fit the unique aspects of [insert specific context or challenges, e.g., 'a highly competitive market', 'emerging technologies', 'budget constraints'].


Act as a technology startup advisor and analyze successful business models in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) sector. Considering current trends and market demands, what are some innovative and successful business models that I could adapt to create my own business idea in the realm of AI tools for small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs)? Please provide detailed insights and examples of companies that have excelled with these models, and discuss how these strategies can be tailored to fit the unique aspects of a market increasingly reliant on data-driven decision making and automation.

🐦️️ Creating consistent characters with AI


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