🧠 Is this the end of OpenAI as we know it?

PLUS: Amazon launches a set of 8 free courses on generative AI

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Happy Tuesday, AI enthusiasts!


  • 🧠 Is this the end of OpenAI as we know it?

  • 🤖 AI tool of the day - Make it Real: turn your sketches into working software

  • 🎓️ Amazon launches ‘AI Ready,’ a set of 8 free courses on generative AI

  • 🔥 5 trending AI tools

  • 🚀 3 trending GPTs

  • 🐦 Tweet of the day

  • ⚡️ 5 quick and fresh AI updates

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🧠 Is this the end of OpenAI as we know it?

OpenAI Logo in 3D. Feel free to contact me through email mariia@shalabaieva.com

The recent happenings at OpenAI could give the latest tech-thriller a run for its money, but let's keep our feet on the ground. Since last Friday, it’s been a whirlwind of headlines and boardroom drama that's left us all a bit dizzy. So, let’s pause for a breather and take a look at where things stand with a summary of the unfolding narrative at OpenAI.

  • The calm before the storm
    On the 16th of November, the air at OpenAI began to shift. Fellow board member and chief scientist Ilya Sutskever reached out to Sam Altman for a crucial conversation.

  • A sudden pivot in power
    The very next day, the 17th, OpenAI's landscape changed dramatically. Altman was ousted from his CEO position, and Brockman, while no longer on the board, managed to hold onto his presidential responsibilities.

  • The possibility of a comeback
    November 19: Microsoft and investors were less than thrilled with the board's bold moves, and OpenAI’s staff, equally unsettled, seemed ready to embark on whatever new journey Altman might propose. At that point Altman was weighing his options: possibly returning to helm OpenAI with a promise of revamped governance or launching a new venture in the AI frontier. OpenAI's staff

  • Microsoft steps into the fray
    On the 20th, as the story unfolded on public screens, Satya Nadella, Microsoft's CEO, addressed the situation, hinting a willingness to welcome Sam Altman as CEO of a new Microsoft division.

  • The collective stand
    That same day, a massive cohort of OpenAI staff – more than 700, 90% of the employees – stood up against the board, demanding Altman's reinstatement and threatening to quit en masse.

  • OpenAI + Anthropic?
    The board at OpenAI reached out to Anthropic's CEO, Dario Amodei, proposing he step into Sam Altman's shoes and entertain the prospect of merging their respective AI firms. Amodei declined the offer.

  • Leadership in limbo
    While the board scrambled to find a new permanent leader, Emmett Shear, co-founder of the live-streaming service Twitch, was appointed as the interim CEO. Concurrently, Altman and Brockman were negotiating their potential leadership of a new AI research division under Microsoft's banner.

  • The latest update
    According to Bloomberg, Sam Altman and the OpenAI board, along with the interim CEO, have started talks about a potential comeback for Altman. If these discussions pan out, we could see him stepping back into his role as the CEO. This is a major shift since, until Monday, the board had been pretty tight-lipped, not really wanting to talk with Altman after firing him on Friday.

What’s next for OpenAI? As we stand, the final chapter of OpenAI's recent turmoil is yet to be written. If Sam Altman and Greg Brockman, along with a contingent of OpenAI's staff, do end up at Microsoft, Satya Nadella could essentially acquire the main player in the field of AI for next to nothing. Alternatively, Nadella has indicated openness to maintaining the partnership with OpenAI, albeit with a completely revamped governance system.
Either way, this turn of events marks the end of OpenAI as we know it.

What do you think will be Sam Altman's next move following the recent events at OpenAI?

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🤖 Make it Real: turn your sketches into working software

In the realm of AI, the bridge between imagination and reality is often a complex code—one that's been notoriously difficult to cross for those not versed in the language of computers.

With Make It Real this is going to change: it’s a groundbreaking tool by a collaborative whiteboard manufacturer that transforms simple vector sketches into fully functioning web code. Using OpenAI's GPT-4V API, it translates designs into Tailwind CSS and JavaScript, effectively turning drawings into interactive user interfaces and even basic games.

Make it Real is a glimpse into a future where ideas and execution become one seamless process, allowing designers, without a hint of coding knowledge, to witness their creations come to life in seconds.

More info here


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🎓️ Amazon launches ‘AI Ready,’ a set of 8 free courses on generative AI

3D Icon of Amazon

Amazon has launched a new "AI Ready" program offering free online courses in generative AI technologies. The 8 courses provide both nontechnical introductions and practical skills development. By making cutting-edge AI education accessible, Amazon aims to extend critical skills to 2 million learners of all ages by 2025 amid rising talent demand.

However, the tech giant also has a vested interest in promoting its own tools like CodeWhisperer, Bedrock, and Transcribe through the courses. Hands-on projects will familiarize developers with integrating Amazon AI into apps, locking more users into the AWS ecosystem. With companies like Microsoft and Google racing to lead in AI, Amazon is making a strategic bet that free accessible training will help popularize its generative models and cement its cloud dominance.

It's both a social good and competitive business play from a giant aiming to shape the future AI workforce and landscape.

Access the courses here and here


💫 Polywork

Turn your LinkedIn profile into a beautiful personal website in seconds with AI. (link)

👕 Pixite

Design and order custom clothes powered by Artificial Intelligence. Type a prompt, get an image, and rock your style. (link)

📝 Moonbeam

Never write from scratch again. (link)

🤖 Humata

Chat your way through long documents. Command Humata’s PDF AI to summarize for you. (link)

🚀 Olympia

AI-powered team for solopreneurs and bootstrapped startups that want to scale without hiring so many expensive humans. (link)


🎥️ VideoGPT

The easy way to generate videos and grow your audience with AI (link)

🪄 DesignerGPT

Creates and hosts beautiful websites. (link)

💡 Kraftful

Your product coach. Ask about best practices. Get top gurus' product thinking. (link)


🐦️️ 11 free AI courses to maximize your AI skills


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